Friday, May 8, 2020

Coronavirus quickly spread around the world starting late last year, new genetic analysis shows (HINDI )

वायरस का रूप बदलना अपना लिबास पैरहन थोड़ा तब्दील करना कोई अनहोनी नहीं है। होस्ट में दाखिल होने के बाद यह जड़ और चेतन के बीच की कड़ी अपनी प्रतियां बनाने में रेप्लिकेट करने में कोई न कोई गलती कर ही जाता है। चूक हो जाती है इससे अपनी जैविक प्रतिकृति बनाने में। दिसंबर २०१ ९ में शुरू हुआ यह संक्रमण कोविड -२०१९  इसे पैदा करने वाला विषाणु सार्स -कोव -२ आदिनांक अनेकों बार ऐसा कर चुका है की अपनी वजह अपने होने के रूप को ही बदल रहा है । इसकी बदल के बाद बदल के बाद बदल की बदली हुई काया सब जगह मिली है।किसी एक मुल्क का किस्सा नहीं है यह। यही वजह है चीन से शुरू हुआ यह विषाणु योरप के देशों में कुछ लगातार बदला हुआ म्युटेटिड मिला है।  
यह अन्वेषण वायरस विज्ञान के माहिर साइंसदानों ने दुनिया भर की  विषाणुशालाओं में दर्ज़ किये हैं। इससे ये सिद्ध नहीं होता ,मुटेटिड (रूपाकृति बदलू )ये बेहरूपिया  पहले से ज्यादा या कम घातक और या संक्रामक हो उठा है। इसके विपरीत इससे प्रतिकृति बनाने में बारहा होने वाली चूक ही इसकी काट का खुलासा करेगी। इसकी कारगर दवा और या फिर वेक्सीन बनाने में ऐसे म्यूटेशंस मददगार ही होते हैं। 
महज़ खामख्याली है ख्याली पुलाव है ये बूझना मानना के ये वायरस की किसी चीनी प्रयोगशाला से आकस्मिक तौर पर निकला। सम्भाव्य यही है यह चमगादड़ से पहले किसी और प्राणि एनिमल में गया तदनन्तर होमोसैपियन्स को इसने संक्रमित किया। 
मिस्टर ट्रम्प एक गोरे  हफ़शी (हफ़्सी ) की मानिंद व्यवहार कर रहें हैं उनकी बॉडी लैंग्विज (देहभाषा ,देहलिपि ,दैहिक मुद्राएं  )साफ बतलाती है वे बेहद खिसियाए हुए हैं। चुनावी वर्ष में स्थितियां उनके हाथों से निकल रहीं हैं। 
मौक़ा था ग्लोबल पहल के ज़ारी रहने का ये लड़ाई चीन के खिलाफ नहीं है सर्वग्रासी सार्स -कोव -२ के प्रति है। विश्वस्वास्थ्य संगठन को नाहक ही निशाने पर लिया गया है। उसने अभी तक सबको खबरदार ही किया है। उसे कमज़ोर करना आलमी सेहत के एक बनाए बनाये ढाँचे को मेटना है। ये पृथ्वी किसी प्राणी विशेष की वजह से नहीं घूम रही है।कोई महाबली वली नहीं है यहां। 
'वली'/अली /अल्लाह /मौला /परमात्मा /यहोवा सबका एक ही है भूगोल और नाम अलग -अलग हैं इसे इस दौर में बूझा जाए और सोच को पॉज़िटिव बनाये रखा जाए। नकारात्मक सोच किसी भी सार्स -कोव -२ से लाखों लाख़ गुना मारक है घातक है।     
(CNN)A new genetic analysis of the virus that causes Covid-19 taken from more than 7,600 patients around the world shows it has been circulating in people since late last year, and must have spread extremely quickly after the first infection.
Researchers in Britain looked at mutations in the virus and found evidence of quick spread, but no evidence the virus is becoming more easily transmitted or more likely to cause serious disease.
"The virus is changing, but this in itself does not mean it's getting worse," genetics researcher Francois Balloux of the University College London Genetics Institute told CNN.
    Balloux and colleagues pulled viral sequences from a giant global database that scientists around the world are using to share data. They looked at samples taken at different times and from different places, and said they indicate that the virus first started infecting people at the end of last year.
    "This rules out any scenario that assumes SARSCoV-2 may have been in circulation long before it was identified, and hence have already infected large proportions of the population," Balloux's team wrote in their report, published in the journal Infection, Genetics and Evolution.
    That is one piece of bad news. Some doctors had hoped the virus was circulating for many months and may have quietly infected many more people than has been reported. That would offer the hope that there might be some immunity already built up in some populations.
    "Everyone was hoping for that. I was too," Balloux said.
    Their findings pour cold water on such an idea. At the most, 10% of the global population has been exposed to the virus, Balloux estimated.

    Between humans and bats

    Many different studies have shown that the new coronavirus, often called SARS-CoV-2 by scientists, originated in a bat but had to have infected another animal before it jumped into humans. The first human cases were reported in Wuhan, China, last December.
    Viruses make mistakes every time they replicate themselves, and these mutations can be used as what's called a molecular clock to track a virus through time and geography.
    "Our results are in line with previous estimates and point to all sequences sharing a common ancestor towards the end of 2019, supporting this as the period when SARS-CoV-2 jumped into its human host," the team wrote.
    "It's very recent," Balloux said. "We are really, really, really confident that the host jump happened late last year."
    That's because viral samples taken from all corners of the globe show multiple mutations, and they are similar mutations. "Everything is everywhere," the team wrote.
    "It has been introduced and introduced and introduced in almost all countries," Balloux added.
    They also found genetic evidence that supports suspicions the virus was infecting people in Europe, the US and elsewhere weeks or even months before the first official cases were reported in January and February. It will be impossible to find the "first" patient in any country, Balloux said.
    "All these ideas about trying to find a Patient Zero are pointless because there are so many patient zeros," he said.
    Balloux's team's findings were reviewed by other experts, a process called peer review, before they were published in the journal. He said some reports by other teams, published online in what are called pre-print websites, may have drawn incorrect conclusions.
    "All viruses naturally mutate. Mutations in themselves are not a bad thing and there is nothing to suggest SARS-CoV-2 is mutating faster or slower than expected. So far we cannot say whether SARS-CoV-2 is becoming more or less lethal and contagious," Balloux said.
    Lane Warmbrod is an analyst at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security who has been tracking the reports on the genetics of the new coronavirus. She said more studies are needed in animals to demonstrate how changes in the genetics of the virus could make it more or less infectious or pathogenic.
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      "Just because these studies tell us these mutations are quickly spreading or becoming dominant doesn't mean anything except we know it happened. It doesn't actually tell us anything about what's happening biologically," Warmbrod told CNN.
      Reports about mutations can be important for teams working on drugs and vaccines to fight the coronavirus. Vaccines, especially, need to target parts of the virus that are conserved -- that do not change much over time.

      Thursday, May 7, 2020

      भले ये फोटो शॉप का हैकिंग का मॉर्फिंग ,स्टाकिंग का दौर है पर साइबर -रोधी -साइंस भी एक अपराध विज्ञान की तरह पनपता विज्ञान है जो हर सायबर अपराध की निगहबानी करता रहता है

      बोइस एंड गर्ल्स लोक -रूम्स   के इस दौर में हमारे नौनिहाल ही नहीं बड़े खुद को कहलवाने वाले महानुभाव बूझ लें :इंटरनेट एक यूज़र फ्रेंडली डिवाइस है। एक बार कुछ अच्छा मांगोगे तो दस अच्छी चीज़ें खुद -ब -खुद आपके दृश्य पट पर आ जाएंगी। एक  लोक रूम की चाहत रखोगे दस दौड़ें आयेंगे।जो भी बाद में इस डिवाइस का इस्तेमाल करेगा आपके बाद आपके घर या बाहर (सबके पास अपना लैपटॉप हो स्मार्ट फोन हो यह ज़रूरी नहीं है। वर्क फ्रॉम होम के इस दौर में पापा मम्मी का स्मार्ट ही आप इस्तेमाल करेंगे। पकड़े जाएंगे आप  लोक रूम में घुसते निकलते।

      भले ये फोटो शॉप का हैकिंग का मॉर्फिंग ,स्टाकिंग का दौर है पर साइबर -रोधी -साइंस  भी एक अपराध विज्ञान की तरह पनपता विज्ञान  है जो हर सायबर अपराध की निगहबानी करता रहता है।

      जो भी करो अपना हित  -अनहित पारिवारिक छवि का ध्यान रखते हुए ही करो बाद में अपने किये पर हाथ मलने का क्या फायदा है।

      बे -शक किशोर वय कई दुस्साहसिक कार्यों की ओर  सहज ले जा सकती है। आज के इस अति -सूचना प्रवाह इन्फॉर्मेशन ओवरलोड के दौर में सब कुछ अच्छा बुरा नेट पर उपलब्ध है। चयन आपका है आपकी वैयक्तिक छवि का है आप क्या दिखना करना चाहते हैं फैसला आपको ही करना है हमारा काम आगाह करना है।

      कृपया इसी विषय पर नवभारत टाइम्स ने विचार के तहत बेहतरीन सम्पादकीय लिखा है उसे भी आप ज़रूर पढ़ें :नवभारत टाइम्स सात मई २०२० ,इस पर एक प्रतिक्रिया मेरी भी है जो इस प्रकार है :

      संदर्भ -सामिग्री :

      Bois Locker Room: Indian teens' lewd Instagram group causes outrage

      Indian members of NGO 'Aastha' hold placards during a protest in Mumbai for better safety for women following the rape of a student in the Indian capitalImage copyrightAFP
      Image captionThere is growing anger in India against harassment of women

      Indian police have taken a 15-year-old boy into custody for participating in an Instagram group chat that shared images of underage girls and made lewd comments about them.
      The group, "Bois Locker Room", is believed to comprise young schoolboys in the capital, Delhi.
      Screenshots of chats on the group have been shared widely on social media.
      The incident has caused outrage in Delhi, which is already seen as one of India's most unsafe cities for women.
      The 2012 rape and murder of a medical student in the city led to a global outcry and the passage of more stringent laws against rape and sexual assault.
      However, there has been little indication that the situation has improved since then.

      How did the group become public?

      Several Instagram users who had been made aware of its existence began posting about the group and calling out members for their behaviour.
      It turned out that members were sharing images of their classmates and other underage girls without their knowledge or consent along with crude comments ranging from body shaming to jokes on sexual assault and rape.
      The screenshots began to be widely shared on WhatsApp as well as Twitter and other social media platforms.
      But Shubham Singh, a cyber expert who works closely with law enforcement and was one of the first people to begin investigating the group, has cautioned that many of these screenshots look edited.
      He added that there appeared to be a mix of images from this group and some similar groups that exist on other social media platforms like Snapchat.
      He said he started looking into the group after some Instagram users got in touch with him and sent him screenshots.
      "I tried to investigate it properly but no-one was coming forward to file a complaint. So we tried to find out who was behind the group. They had deleted their Instagram accounts but through the screenshots and some tools, I was able to trace them," he said.
      Mr Singh then passed on the information to the police, which has now led to one teenager being taken into custody.

      What else has happened?

      The Delhi Women's Commission (DCW) has asked for an investigation into the group.
      It issued a directive to the Delhi police to file a case against the perpetrators and submit a report detailing exactly what action had been taken so far.
      Police say they started their investigations after being made aware of the matter, but have told local media that a school had also filed a criminal complaint over the same case.
      They are likely to bring more members of the group into custody soon, they added.

      A Delhi school boy with a shoulder bag looks onImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
      Image captionCampaigners warn children are spending more time online at home

      Meanwhile the DCW has also issued a notice to Instagram, asking for the details and IP addresses of all the members of the group, and asking the social media site to detail exactly what action it has taken to deal with the situation.
      In a statement Instagram said that they did not allow "behaviour that promotes sexual violence or exploits anyone, especially women and young people", adding that they had taken action as soon as they were made aware of the group.
      Pawan Duggal, chairman of the International Commission of Cyber Security Law, says that the social media company has to be more liable.
      "Instagram cannot say they don't know this was happening. They have to cull out such content voluntarily. The police can go after them if they fail," he told the BBC, adding that this group was the result of India being "too soft" towards intermediaries like social media networks.

      What causes such behaviour?

      Mr Duggal says his organisation has noticed a "massive increase" in the number of children visiting pornography and other "dark web" sites during the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of coronavirus.
      "In the last 40 days of the lockdown, there have been massive sociological and psychological changes in society with children being indoors and not sharing their online activities with parents," he said.
      He added that while they don't have scientific data, the commission had observed a rise in this trend - visits to pornography sites and sexual fantasy groups - during the lockdown.
      However, senior psychologist Dr Roma Kumar, said such groups existed even before the lockdown, but said the unusual situation could make them more prevalent.
      Mr Duggal said authorities had to send a strong message, and that the law had to "come up with a very strong hand" against the members of the group to discourage such behaviour from recurring.